1. Flying solo.
Remember: You’re part of a team of experts that’s all working towards a common goal. Rely on your co-creatives for help and inspiration, and be a team player.
2. Taking no initiative.
Be proactive, think beyond the impossible and don’t be afraid to let your creativity lead you.
3. Overthinking it.
Most often the solution is right in front of you. If you have to think too hard or over-explain, it’s probably too complicated and not the right course of action.
4. Keeping quiet.
Even the silliest-sounding idea can lead to something big. Speak up if you have a brainwave or if you disagree with a co-creative or client.
5. Ignoring instructions.
In order to solve every case in record time and maintain client satisfaction, it’s important to read every instruction carefully and ensure that you interpret it correctly.
6. Forgetting to live.
Yes, work is important, but inspiration doesn’t always strike in an office. Open your mind and broaden your horizons whenever you have the opportunity!
7. Not asking questions.
Creativity always begins with asking the right questions. If something’s unclear, don’t be afraid to ask because there’s no such thing as stupid question.
8. Judging too early.
Yes, we have standards to uphold, but never shoot down an idea right away – it could be a small seed of genius that just needs a little TLC.
9. Boxing yourself in.
It’s easy to lose yourself in work and strap on a pair of headphones to shut out your fellow creatives, but this leads to an anti-social work environment. Be open and friendly!
10. Taking it personally.
As creatives we automatically get invested in our work, pouring heart and soul into every project. However it’s important to separate emotion from heart and not to take every little criticism to heart.
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