We are a dynamic design and advertising agency based in Melkbos, Cape Town, servicing clients as far as Canada, the US and Europe, and constantly expanding our client base to new international territories. Driven by curiosity and industrial strength coffee, we’re always fishing for new ideas and reeling in the big fish for our valued clients.

Good design and creativity are our middle names (our mothers clearly had strange ideas about family names), and we’re all about finding “the big idea”. When we’re not building killer websites, designing show-stopping brochures, laying out annual reports and thinking up creative concepts, we’re reminiscing about old school rock and asking Google about life, love and the best place to buy koeksisters in Cape Town.

Making observations and drawing conclusions is what we do best, and our goal is simple: To solve your brand-related headaches through strategic thinking and creative executions, and ultimately reinstating Pluto as a planet.



Fish use a variety of low-pitched sounds to convey messages to each other.

They moan, grunt, croak, boom, hiss, whistle, creak, shriek and wail. Kind of like our designers on a Monday morning.




The Fisher Agency is everything you’d expect of a well-established design and advertising agency, with a host of special and secret ingredients added to the mix. Our entire belief system is rooted in honesty, integrity and transparency, and good quality bricks and cement of course. We’re so open and honest, we find it hard to keep quiet about bad ideas, bad hair days and the ending of Dexter.

We believe in working with our clients rather than for them, because when you work as hard as we do, you’ll grab any opportunity to make new friends – even with your stapler.

Observing is a large part of what we do – observing the environment, observing the target market and observing the fact that we’re saying “observing” a lot today. And don’t even get us started on spelling mistakes – especially those on menus. Pina colaha, anyone?

Never stop learning – that’s our motto. Learning from each other, learning from clients, learning from your mom when she says “don’t mix red socks in with your whites”. We try hard without being try-hards, and push the envelope without being pushy.

We’re nice and normal but there’s nothing normal about the way we think. Our brains are fuelled by good coffee, dark chocolate and good wine – and at the end of the day every brainstorm becomes a beautiful thing.