Yes, it may be fun and games at first, but at the end of the day it’s all about cutting through the clutter and finding the one golden idea that will solve the case. Here are some quick hints for brainstorming like a boss:
Blank pages are scary, so face it head-on and getting something down – anything – just to break that blank stare!
Feel free to talk rubbish, but make sure that it’s not too far off topic, and still largely related to the case on the table.
Choose a leader who can bring the group back on topic when the conversation strays too far.
Set a time limit rather than loosely brainstorming for hours, and motivate yourself to get as much done in that short time as possible.
Speak up! A small insignificant idea in your mind can spark a great idea in someone else’s.
Always brainstorm in a team – one person's ideas tend to stimulate another person's ideas.
Stimulate your brain with games like Pictionary and I Spy to get the creative ball rolling.
Think differently. If you’re a designer, write down words – if you’re a writer, draw pictures.
Don’t shoot each other down as it can discourage participation. Remember: In brainstorming phase, even the simplest idea counts.
Talk in broad strokes to begin with. Start with general topics and then slowly narrow it down to specifics.
Go somewhere new – changing your environment can also change your way of thinking.
Keep a notepad with you – even next to your bed! Sometimes it’s good to take a break and let inspiration strike in its own time.
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